Pixel Face is a large-scale, site-specific, visual projection exhibited in the group show Reclaiming Space. Pixel Face focuses on the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) students reclaiming space, and our identity as the BFA students of California State University, Chico.
The portraits are broken up by facial feature, reconfigured to produce a composite face made up of pieces of different students. The projection is generated as a random slideshow onto the north wall of the Laxson Auditorium on the California State University, Chico campus.
Overall, the work is a visual representation of the exhibition’s overall theme, “reclaiming space”. By quickly manifesting itself as light on the side of the building over and over again, the imagery reclaims the surface just as the facial features are reclaiming a new face. Our intention was to reclaim our physical space on campus, pixel by pixel, and also to try to clarify and reclaim the identity of the BFA students.